Trendy Tendencias: US & Mexico

Blog following and discussing new trends, specifically in the US and in Mexico.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005


(Note: I noticed that my previous posts were too long...I never read that much. I will be trying to switch to a more brief post.)

I'm addicted to Skype. Being in Mexico, I used to be so disconnected from my friends & family, because all of us were way too cheap to pay international long distance. I now use it to make personal & business calls, and I use the SkypeOut paid service for really cheap rates. And I would have bought SkypeIn, but they don't offer the area code I'm interested in yet.

US: All signs point to the idea that this will be the new way we talk. It won't be long.

Mexico: Seems like we might have some trouble really getting on the VoIP bandwagon, according to: Mexico telephone operator under VoIP fire.


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