I Haven't Fallen Off the Face of the Earth!!
Just a quick note to anyone that might be a reader of this blog:
On October 23, Hurricane Wilma came through Miami and really gave us a pounding. I lost power for 4 days, but I lost internet for 2 months! Additionally, at the same time, I realized that I had been blogging so much that I had injured both of my arms. I'm still working on getting my arms back in shape, and while I used to be on the computer for at least 8 hours a day, I currently am not even logging in on a daily basis. I hope to return sooner rather than later, but please don't think I've disappeared completely.
In the meantime, I recommend that you visit the sites I was contributing to, as I consider them to be incredible publications: VivirLatino, PSFK, and eco.psfk.
Saludos - Hope to be back soon.