Trendy Tendencias: US & Mexico

Blog following and discussing new trends, specifically in the US and in Mexico.

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Cereal Mixing

I heard about a new chain of cereal stores a few months ago - Cereality, and I have to say, I think it's a fantastic idea, and I think the price is right.

The concept: Mix 2 different name brand cereals, add the toppings that you would like ("The toppings bar has everything from malted milk balls to fruits and nuts."), and milk!

I also saw a "cereal mixing" reference on the Gilmore Girls the other day.

Mexico: Cereal isn't as big here, so I don't know if the idea would take off. Although, I think that in any location full of a bunch of hungry people, low on time, could probably be turned into a success.


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