Trendy Tendencias: US & Mexico

Blog following and discussing new trends, specifically in the US and in Mexico.

Sunday, May 15, 2005

Instant Soups

According to an article in Mexico's newspaper El Universal, popularity of instant soups among the poor in Mexico has grown huge amounts in the past years. Governmental support programs have decided to include the instant soups in their food packages.

There is a concern about the low nutritional value of these soups. Malnutrition in children is rising, childhood obesity is also becoming a problem, and these soups don't provide the vitamins & minerals needed. Instead of urging people to eat something different, some people support the idea of making these instant soups more nutritional.

From my personal view, these soups seem to be growing more popular across the world, as people become more and more limited on time. If you look at the back of the packages, they have maybe 10 or more grams of fat in just one cup! (Despite that fact,I do buy them for my husband for emergencies if he can't leave the office for lunch...because there is really nothing else!)


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