Trendy Tendencias: US & Mexico

Blog following and discussing new trends, specifically in the US and in Mexico.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Teen Pregnancy

I've been reading recently about a new sex-ed film that is being released to the schools in Texas - Toothpaste - made by students living near the Mexico an area where 3.7% of the girls 17 or under get pregnant. That is the highest rate in Texas, and one of the highest in the USA.

I see huge amounts teen pregnancy and "surprise" pregnancies happening here in Mexico, as well. And as surprising as it might be to some people...I really believe that many people do NOT know about condoms, or understand their importance.

There is a huge education gap here, and it's bringing a lot of babies into this world before the mothers are ready, and before they finish their EDUCATION.

You know, I actually see billboards for condoms in Mexico City, and the marketing is totally different than it is in the US. It's a picture of a family, and it discusses the benefits of keeping your family smaller, in order to provide them a better life.

There is a huge amount of opportunity in the US Hispanic market and in Mexico to educate the population, and provide birth control and other related products and services. Additionally, lowering these pregnancy rates will allow the economy to improve, as these mothers can finish school, get better jobs, and plan their family.


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